ROTAN DAHANAN | Korthalsia flagellaris Miq

Including large rattan which is used for furniture materials.
Local Name : Rattan Dahanan (Sumatra, Kalimantan)
Distribution: Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo. In swamps 50 meters above sea level.
The characteristics are as follows;
  1. Grows and lives in clumps of up to 20 stems.
  2. Stem diameter 15 – 30 mm.
  3. The length between the segments is between 20 – 50 cm.
  4. Dark brown and rough.
  5. Stems are hard and rather difficult to split.
  6. The length of the stem can grow up to 50 meters.
  7. The leaves are pinnately compound, the leaflets are lanceolate ovate, the edges are serrated, the underside of the leaflets and the veins grow fine spines, the leaves sit face to face, the color is yellowish brown.
  8. Panicle flowers are arranged in bunches, the buds are covered with thorny sheaths
  9. Fruit round, reddish brown, single seed
  10. The benefits of stems as raw materials for furniture.