ROTAN JERNANG BESAR | Daemonorops draco Blume

Is a type of small rattan plant that has low quality, this rattan plant has different names depending on the area Jernang Besar, Jernang, Bear (South Sumatra), Getik Badag (West Java), Getik Warak (Central Java). Distribution: Peninsular Malaya , Sumatra, lowland at 300 masl.

And has the following characteristics;
  1. Stem: Forms a clump, diameter 12 mm, segment length 18-35 cm.
  2. yellowish brown and shiny.
  3. white heart
  4. Leaves: Pinnately compound, lanceolate leaves like ribbons, the top of the leaflets and the veins of the leaves grow fine spines, the leaves sit face to face.
  5. Flowers: Panicles arranged in bunches, buds covered with thorny sheath
  6. Fruit: Round, red brown, single seed
  7. Benefits: Stems for furniture raw materials, fruit sap for dyes and pharmaceuticals (jernang rattan).